This summer I took care of Lynne's, Jennilynne's children for a couple days and I had Katherine's for an overnighter. I can't tell you what a good thing it is to be able to spend that time with them. You get to know each of them on a different level. It is so different then when you see them for an hour or two when they come for visits because there is usually a lot of people, other cousins, and just a lot going on. When you get to say their prayers with them, read them a story and then tuck them into bed there is something so special about that. And then you get to see them first thing in the morning. You can actually spend time talking to them and getting to know their little unique personallities. I didn't get any pictures of Emma, Mary or Grant when they were here. Maybe next time! It is so much fun.
I know Cooper is still too young to come and stay but I can't wait until he's old enough to come to Grandma's for a week. I know . . . he'll have to be A LOT older but it will still be so fun getting to know him. He is such a sweet boy. We enjoyed him so much during the draft.
I just finished a quilt for him and I am hoping and praying that it will look good in his room!