Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Scott was one of those kids that was a handful. He had a bit of a stuborn streak that I learned to admire when he got older. I always said that I hoped that Dad and I could teach him everything he should know because he had a determined attitude and it was hard to persued him from going the direction he wanted to go. Once he learned a lesson it stuck with him though. He wanted things done a certain way and he didn't like changes. He had this attitude when he was very young. I loved his determination when he was a teenager. I could trust that he would do the right thing and would not be persueded by his peers to do something that would go against his values. . . . . He knew the direction he wanted to go!
He loved sports from a very early age too. He would sit and watch an entire football game with his dad when he was three or four. I didn't know kids would do that. It completely amazed me.
I feel Scott is a born leader. I love watching how he runs the GFL draft and enjoys family. He is such a good big brother and has always been such a good example to all of us.
  • New soter mycle . . . I mean motor cycle! A nice one. Went to BYU vs Oklahoma in Texas
  • New house
  • Drives FedEx truck

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


When I started doing Brian I went back and read some of what I wrote in a journal I had kept when he was little. I really enjoyed reading about some of the things he did. I discovered that he was very mischieveous but also very patient and sweet. He would put Tonka truck loads of dirt in the living room, dump out my potted plants, and pour cereal and milk onto the kitchen carpet. Here's someting I wrote: "The other day, Jessie (a neighbor boy) and him were only gone five minutes when Les and I went to check on them. They were over at her house in the refrigerator. They had found the eggs and were throwing them all over the kitchen." Leslie kept her flour in a bin under the sink. Another time, Brian and Jessie took the lid off and when we found them they were throwing the flour all over. They looked like they had white hair and they had it all over their faces. That was his terrible threes. He continued to grow and chose to do more good things then he did bad. :)

When he was eight Roger gave him a personal interview. He asked Brian, "What makes you Special?" Brian replied, "I'm a peacemaker." He was right. Brian is a peacemaker. He is kind, giving, and he loves his family.
I don't know if he'll like this but he is very sensitive and has empathy for others too.

Another time after Craig was born, we had to take him back to the hospital for sugery. I didn't explain things very well when I told the kids that we had to take Craig back to the hospital. Craig had to stay there for about three days. About the third day Brian came to me and was very sad. He told me that he loved his baby Craig and that he didn't want us to give him back to the hospital. He thought we were going to leave Craig there. He was only five years old but I had to watch him or he'd pick Craig up and try to carry him around. Brian has always loved his little brothers and his little sister.


  • His hobbies are the fish tank, playing computer games, and his new motorcycle
  • Him and Scott bought a new home!
  • He drives the FedEx truck.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Saturday the kids came over and we died eggs. Jennilynn didn't find out until Sunday that we don't boil the eggs before we die them. What can you do with seven or eight dozen hard boiled eggs? :)

Anyway, I think they all had fun choosing colors and seeing how dark they could get them. We put t-shirts on the kids so they wouldn't get the die on them.

We were all so glad that Madison could join us!!

Let the hunt begin! After we died eggs Jeff and Steve hid the Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt! Last year Lynne told us that in the Jeppsen Easter Egg Hunt they would assign each child a color and they could only hunt for their color. I liked it so much we have done it for two years. I don't know what we'll do when we have more grandkids and we run out of colors.

After the Easter Egg hunt they all went to our bedroom to watch a Princess movie. (They love to get on our bed and watch movies.)

Sunday, Joelle and Addie kept asking when Emma and Mary was going to come. They had their Easter dresses on. Jeff and Jennilynn fell asleep during conference. Gabrielle was not taking their cue and was wide awake!