Monday, January 11, 2010

Deborah's spot light for 2009

This has been a good year for me.

  • I have enjoyed the grandchildren more. I even learned how to make really cute bows for the girls hair. We took Mary and Joelle to Build-A-Bear for their birthdays and I went and spent a couple days with Ty and Lucas. That was fun.
  • I'm not going to tell you how old I turned on my birthday like I did Roger, but I will say that I have been working at South Middle School for 14 years. I have been in the library for the last two and a half years. I work with a really great lady named Judy and enjoy going to work every day.
  • I was released as the Primary President and put in as the Valiant 10 (same age group but is now called Valiant 9's this year) I love this calling . . . no stress just teaching the children.

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