Sunday, January 10, 2010

Roger's Spot light for 2009

I have to admire all you that actually get your Christmas letters out before Christmas! It never seems to happen in this household. By the way, I have loved reading all of your letters. I love hearing about what your families are up to and seeing the pictures of you and your children. I also love the blogs. I don't leave very many comments but I still love logging on and reading your posts.

To make this a little shorter I thought I would spot light each member/family in my blog. I'll do a couple at a time so I can get through everyone before 2011! I try to stick to three events, happenings, interests, etc. or it gets way too wordy.

I'll start with the oldest and that just so happens to be Dad (Roger).
  • He turned 60 . . . . Wow!
  • He played more golf this year with the kids and had more time to do things around the house. Not missing Broadmore any more.
  • Speedy Deliver! Driving truck (FedEx), and last summer he worked part time at Purple Sage and gave lessons out at River Bend
  • He is currently serving in the YM's as the Priest Quorum Advisor

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